Planning is the KEY
to having the Business of your
ART produce the
RESULTS you want.
I have created this Artist Business Plan Kit so that you can go step by step to build a plan for your Art or Creative Business. I include visual flow charts, written Instructions, Resource Links to Financial Templates that you can simply plug your numbers into and a Template for an official Business Plan.
I begin with walking you through all of the thinking work that goes into a good plan. Once the thinking work is done you can simply use this to structure and organize your business or you can take a step further and create an official Business Plan, which you may need in order to obtain investors or partners in your business.
The difference between a Business that succeeds and one that does not is in the planning process. Working out the details and laying out your strategies for growth, marketing, sales and the day-to-day operations is part of the secret to an evolving and sustainable future for your business.
If the thought of planning makes you uncomfortable and you feel that you can’t plan because you don’t know how or that you are not good at it then this kit is PERFECT for you. Whether you are just staring up or you have an established business that you are ready to take to the next level, a plan will help you accomplish what you want. AND it is always a work-in-progress so you are never stuck with anything if you have a strong foundation to work from.
I can’t wait to send you my Artist Business Plan Kit so you can create your own customized Business Plan for your Art Business. Just fill out your information in the form to the right >>>>>>>>. I will send you an email to verify and confirm your request and allow you to download your kit ASAP!!!