The Creative Visions Rising SuperStar Creatives Group Coaching Membership is THE Coaching Group for YOU to be able to get coaching on how to expand as an artist, expand your creativity and/or expand your Art Business!
I will be there to coach YOU and you will also have the synergy of the group which provides you with a Powerful supportive like-minded community!

What will you receive as a Member of the SuperStar Creatives Group?
- 6 Months of a Weekly 1 hour Group Coaching Call (Video/Phone).
- Unlimited Access to Recordings of all Calls
- Access to the Private SuperStar FB Group
- FB Live Mini Coaching Videos in the Private FB Group
- EMail Access & FB Group Access to Me
- Resources & Structures for Success (i.e. Business Plans, Financial Structures, Organization Tools, Project & Business Result Milestone & Result Planning Tools, etc.)
- Connections & possible collaboration with other Fabulous Artists in the Group
Value = Over $1500 per month
The SuperStar Creatives Group Coaching Membership is for you IF:
- You want to Increase your Creativity
- You Want to take the Business of Your Art to the Next Level
- You are Tired of Trying to Figure it out On Your Own
- You are Ready for an Experienced Coach to Guide You Through Reaching Your Visions
- You Need Structures and/or Organization in Your Art Business or Life
- You Are Ready to Make Money or More Money with Your Art
- You want Support & Accountability to get things Done
- You Are Looking for the Synergy of a Group of Artists to Grow Side by Side with
- You Currently Aren’t Financially Ready for One-on-One Coaching
- You KNOW there is a way to be more Successful as a Creative but haven’t found it yet
- You find Yourself Dealing with Limiting Thoughts and/or Mindset and are Ready to Change that
- You Struggle to Balance Your Life and Your Art
HOW MUCH will ALL of this Cost YOU?
Only $97 per month!!
(YES, I know this is CRAZY … So go ahead & join now to cash in on my Craziness!!!)
STARTS January 25, 2020
(Runs for 6 months & ends July 24, 2020)

Have questions or want to talk to me before joining? Send me a message HERE & I will email you back and/or set up a call with you so you can see if it is a match for you!